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Folklore Group

The history of the Castrolanda Dutch Folklore Group is intertwined with the history of the Castrolanda Colony.

In 1953, shortly after the arrival of the first Dutch families to the municipality of Castro, a group of young people, led by the physical education teacher Mrs. Thilly Kleinsmidt, formed a Dutch dance group, called “Grupo Holandês em Tamancos”.

In 1959, they performed at the 1st Folklore and Ethnic Festival of Paraná, conceived by Consul Helena van de Berg, who was one of the group’s greatest supporters, representing it for many years in Curitiba.

In 1981, it became a legal entity, governed by a statute and directed by a board elected at a General Assembly, called Grupo Folclórico Holandês de Castrolanda.

In 2006, the Children’s Folklore Group was formed, whose members are students of folklore classes at the Evangelical School of the Community of Castrolanda.

Dressed in the costume of a small fishing village in the Netherlands, Volendam, the Group’s goal is to preserve Dutch folklore through its simple and joyful dances and songs, which speak of love, life, the land and the struggle of man in building his homeland.

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